The best degrees for the future

Maybe it’s time to head off to college, and you’re wondering to yourself what the best degree for the future is? Perhaps after all these years of being in the working world you’re finally packing it all in to earn your degree? Whatever your reasoning, it’s vital to choose something that you love and will be around for a long time. After all, you don’t want to spend four years studying towards a wasted degree…

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is more than helping someone physically move past an injury; these therapists also look at the mental effects, as well as any environmental and social requirements their patients may have. As well as being a major aspect of a patient’s recovery, occupational therapy is on the rise. This is thought to be down to the older generation wanting more independence than ever in their senior years. Plus, people will only ever continue to grow older.

Interpretation or translation

Have you always found yourself wanting to learn another language? Now could be your chance to achieve your goals as well as get yourself a degree in one of the leading subject. The number of interpreters and translators are on the rise thanks to many businesses expanding their work abroad. To date, the top three spoken languages around the world are Chinese, Spanish, and English.

Web development

We couldn’t have a list of best degrees for the future and not include something to do with the internet. But what degree to choose? Web development offers up huge job security thanks to the popularity of the internet, as well as giving the flexibility to work from nearly anywhere in the world. Plus, the number of jobs is only set to rise. To make it even better, web developers often bring home a large paycheck each year as well as having major job satisfaction. Perfect.


You may have heard people worrying that robots are about to take over our jobs, but if there is one career that won’t be disappearing anytime soon, it’s engineering. After all, how do you think technology will advance without the brains there to make it happen? Plus, there are so many types of engineering to choose from. From aerospace to electrical, chemical to environmental, and agricultural to software – the possibilities are endless!


Where there are people there will always be crimes. And some people are willing to pay anything if it means they could earn their “get out of jail free” card. Lawyers can be making hundreds of thousands of dollars after just a few years in the career. Bonus. Plus, the diversity of the job will be enough to keep anyone busy and interested as you help fight crime and defend the innocent.


People continue to grow – and injure themselves. If there is one career that is bound to be around for the rest of time, it’s anything in the healthcare system, with nursing being a brilliant option. Training as a nurse will give you the chance to see all kinds of cases as well as incredible job security. Plus, with nurse’s rights on the rise, could there be a better tie to earn your degree?

There are so many degrees out there in the big wide world, so how do you decide on just one? There are so many varieties, but with certain careers only set to rise, now is the perfect time to start thinking about the future.

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