Home repair hacks everyone could use around the house

[post_page_title]Use coffee grounds to restore wood furniture[/post_page_title]

Every negative can be turned into a positive, if you have the right perspective. Case in point, have you ever spilled coffee on yourself? If you have, you know it stains like nobody’s business. But while that’s less than ideal on your shirt, it’ll work wonders on your furniture! If you have anything – dressers, cabinets, picture frames, chairs, whatever – made of unfinished wood, simply rub them with coffee grounds.

Use coffee grounds to restore wood furniture

It’ll fill out any nicks and scratches that item might have, while also giving it a nice fresh coat of brown color, without you having to buy a paint can you’ll only ever use once. Don’t spring for paint or a specialist – the solution’s right in your morning cup of joe.

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